Welcome to the Human Business Labs resources page! Here you'll find a variety of materials to help you make your business more human-centric. Whether you're just starting out or looking to take your business to the next level, Human Business Labs has the resources you need to create a thriving workplace.
Stay tuned for more!

Human Business Pulse Check
Hidden Potential, Unleashed Results
In today's ever-changing business landscape, technology isn't the biggest hurdle to transformation. It's your people! 86% of the global workforce isn't fully engaged.
Is your organization, too, overlooking its greatest asset?
Our free Human Business Pulse Check reveals how to unlock your employees' potential and drive successful transformation.
Case Studies
We help individuals, teams and companies to achieve harmony between people, purpose and profit. This is not just an empty phrase, but the core principle behind everything we do.
Our goal is to make companies and organizations more human. This cannot be achieved overnight. But we can get there - one project at a time.
Find out more in our case studies. Even better, design your own human environment today.

Human Business.
Leben und Arbeiten im digitalen Zeitalter.
Das digitale Zeitalter bietet uns Menschen die einzigartige Chance, unser menschliches Potenzial zum Wohle von uns selbst, unserer Gesellschaft, Umwelt und Wirtschaft zu entfalten – vorausgesetzt wir stellen die richtigen Fragen.
Das Buch stellt Human Business als ein Gestaltungswerkzeug für Leben und Arbeiten im digitalen Zeitalter vor. Es provoziert, altes Gedankengut und Praktiken kritisch zu hinterfragen. Gleichzeitig ermutigt es, unseren menschlichen Kern wiederzuentdecken und in die aktive Gestaltung unseres Lebens und Arbeitens im digitalen Zeitalter einzubringen. Egal welche Rolle wir ausfüllen; sei es als Führungskraft oder Manager, als Game Changer oder einfach nur als Mensch.
The Spirit of Human Business
The digital age offers us humans the unique opportunity to unfold our human potential for the benefit of ourselves, our society, the environment and the economy - provided we ask the right questions.
The book introduces Human Business as a compass and design tool for living and working in the digital age. It provokes to question old ideas and practices. At the same time, it encourages to rediscover our human core and actively shape our lives and work accordingly. No matter what role we play; be it as a business leader or manager, as a game changer or just as a human being, a Mensch.