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Roboter und Mensch

The critical success factor in the digital age are us Humans.

Empower your human core to thrive in the age of AI

At Human Business Labs, discover  success stories that highlight the human factor in the AI era. Our project incubators nurture creativity and innovation. This results in concrete, actionable projects that put people at the center and use AI in a targeted way to develop innovative solutions.

Fast. Sustainable. And with joy.

The challenge

Digitization pushes many companies and us humans to the edge.  

This raises important questions:

  • How can we bridge the gap between digital and human and business?

  • How can we create and maintain competitive advantages?

  • Where and how can we start?

Digital vs. Mensch

Digital vs Human

Teamarbeit, Bild von Tim Marshall-unsplash

Human Business

"'Human Business' is a bridge to a new economic order."

Gerald Huether

Human Business  is a model of organizational culture that recognizes humans as the core of creativity and innovation, values their wellbeing and growth, and cultivates trust and respect on every level..  


All projects created in Human Business Labs  have one element in common:  they focus on humans, not AI or technology, as the decisive success factor in the digital age and modern entrepreneurship.  It's about generating value for and by people.  

Contribute to the development of humane futures.
One project at a time.

Here's how it works

You formulate a challenge and assign an HBL team to develop a solution to the challenge in the form of one or more actionable project proposals within a given timeframe of 2 days to 6 weeks.


Challenge examples:

  • Digital transformation: How can we use technology and AI to build better relationships with our customers? 

  • Human aspects of technology: What approaches can we take to ensure our technology solutions address the needs and expectations of our employees?  

  • Sustainability and social responsibility: How can we integrate sustainable and environmentally friendly practices into our business while strengthening our corporate social responsibility?

  • Innovation: What methods can we use to integrate continuous innovation into our business?


HBL teams can consist of employees of your own company as well as HBL residents.

If, at the end of incubation period, you accept the project proposal, the team prepares necessary immediate next steps and hands over the project to you as the sponsor or the responsible project owner for implementation.

Teamarbeit, Image by Clay Banks
Welt der Projekte

We future

"The future is not a thing, but an action: it arises from the fact that we "future" it."

Anders Indset, futurist

Large, urgent and sometimes unsolvable problems need quick and practical solutions.  We believe that projects are ideally suited for this.  Compared to startups, projects are easier to set up, are more flexible, less risky, smaller in scale, offer faster learning curves, are easier to scale, attract wider audiences, are less expensive and are easier to integrate into existing enterprise landscapes.

Human Business Labs offer companies the creative space to turn their challenges into concrete, implementable projects. Fast, within 2 days to 6 weeks.

The future is humane

Digital change is transforming our corporate landscape and society.   But it's less about the question of what the future will look like.  The key question for the future is, "How do we want to live and work?"  

It is therefore misleading to believe that the future is digital. For, we must not become the game ball of digitization.  It's not about technology.  It's about us.  As humans and businesses.


Our credo is that our futures are humane.  It's up to us to create those futures.  Human Business Labs contribute to these futures.  One project at a time.

Zukunfts ist menschlich


Set up a conversation to explore your ideas.

Together we will transform your challenges into realizable projects.

Fast, sustainable, and with joy.

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